Does Whey Protein Powder Intake Cause Serious Weight Gain?
Will Whey Protein Cause Serious Weight Gain?
At Pin Up Girl we get asked this question a lot, from young girls and women who are concerned about maintaining their ideal body weight. The problem is, the question itself is too broad. You may as well ask: Will eating make me fat? Well, sure it will – if your diet consists entirely of unhealthy foods and you never exercise.
There are multiple factors involved in weight gain so, no, a daily recommended serving of whey protein alone does not cause excessive weight gain. For instance, if you are already eating fatty or sugary foods, a whey protein supplement will likely provide you with enough nutrients to reduce your daily intake of food and provide positive benefits.
Whey Protein as a Supplement
If you are considering taking whey protein, you are likely already struggling with some aspect of nutrition or exercise. Let’s first consider what you eat. Our whey protein daily servings of 25 grams contain zero fat or sugar. If you are using Pin Up Girl protein as a supplement, you are already reducing the intake of unhealthy substances that are much more likely to cause obesity – so long as you continue to monitor the nutritional value of your diet.
If you keep eating those fatty or sugary foods and don’t exercise, you can’t really blame healthy whey protein for your weight gain. When you are active and supplementing your diet with 25 grams of protein a day, you will actually see weight loss, along with positive gain in muscle mass.
Whey Protein and Working Out
Whey protein will help with rapid fat loss when you use the supplement prior to working out. There is a really boring process known as “beta oxidation.” It dictates how rapidly fatty acid molecules are broken down in the body. Whey protein intake can dictate the effectiveness of the process, which actually contributes to the loss of unwanted fat. A daily supplement will not only give you the energy to exercise, it will keep working in your body even after you have called it a day.
In case you didn’t know – not all calories are actually bad for you. You will burn more bad calories when you use a 25-gram serving of whey protein each day. Protein performs a number of important functions in your body, so if you plan to combat weight gain, the Pin Up Girl program is ideal for providing you with the energy and nutrients that you need.
Control Hunger
Shock and horror! Hunger is actually a major contributor of weight gain! If you are always dipping into the fridge, whether out of boredom or personal cravings, no amount of exercise alone is going to fix the problem. Whey protein has been scientifically proven to help reduce cravings and hunger. You still have a way to go, but it helps to know that with only 25 grams of protein per day’s serving, you have access to a supplement that could change the course of your life.

Pin Up Girl Protein For Women
We offer a premium quality Whey Isolated Protein powder for women to build muscle and lose fat.
About Pinup Girl protein